Pouya Abdi Quartett

Young jazz guitarist and composer Pouya Abdi formed a quartet of jazz musicians of the Hamburg jazz scene whose cultures and musical backgrounds couldn't be more different.

The combination of a Brazilian drummer, a german/polish bassist, a Russian saxophonist and an Iranian guitarist results in a pool of creative ideas and influences that makes the band sound so unique.

This collage of colourful textures and compositions heavily influenced by persian folk music, which the Iranian rooted guitarist grew up with and composers, such as Pat Metheny or Tom Jobim can be heard on his album "Govinda & Kamala" that will be released in May 2024.

The band focuses on spontanity and honesty while playing, taking risks and responsibility at the same time and always knowing that everyone will have everyones back.

Guitar Club

In diesem Gitarren Duo trifft der Hamburger Gitarrist Pouya Abdi auf die australische Gitarristin und Komponistin Danica Hobden.

Mit gegenseitigem Interesse für Eigenkompositionen und großer Neugierde für Soundästhetik, werden an diesem Abend  spielerisch verschiedene Klänge und Atmosphären erkundet.

Die zwei Musiker:innen bilden – mit unterschiedlichsten Einflüssen von brasilianischer Musik über Indische Ragas bis hin zu Minimal Music – zwei überaus verschiedene Gitarrensounds ab, aus denen eine große klangliche Vielfalt möglich wird. Mal Dreckig und roh, mal verspielt und trancenähnlich...

Guitar Club steht für Freude an der Musik und einen offenen Dialog auf zwei Instrumenten die einander vielleicht ähnlich aussehen, aber unterschiedliche Geschichten zu erzählen haben.

© Joshua Weiß

Bald Bald Trio

Together with Hamburg scene musicians Joshua Weiß (drums) and Melanie Streitmatter (bass), the Hamburg guitarist and composer Pouya Abdi brings to light a trio with new compositions, ideas, sounds and colors. With influences including indie, blues and world music, this band celebrates the joy of playing as well as the love for music! Through dreamy vocal melodies, childlike risk-taking interactions and the use of many different facets of the instruments, a new, exciting sound is created with acoustic guitar, bells, bows and singing.